You must teach your sense to recognize it. The label is not enough. Тhe acidity (up to 0.8 % for Extra Virgin) can be easily reduced by chemical methods, and if you are not clever enough yoy buy a big nothing. Taste the product obligatory. In the world of olive oil everything can be replaced with fake, luxury bottles and labels, but luckily the taste and the smell of the real Extra Virgin are untouchable for the global food industry. Put same piece of nice bread in the dish with olive oil. Bite it and you’ ll feel the light bitter taste, a little bit later the spicy feeling with a lot of aromas. If one of both components is missing, olive oil is treated and has lost its healthy qualities. The aromas must remain in the mouth long time. Of course this method is not professional but works and is easy.
Here we’ ll rely on the blog of Pepe, because it appears that thing are unknown even for food experts. Color of the olive oil can be green, between green and golden from different view and golden. The early olive oils still not mellow from which the gathering of oil is very low give green color to the olive oil. If all requirements are kept, the first olive oil made in October and November is called Agourelaio. It is more bitter, spicy and definitive, how says Pepe. Extremely healthy, with higher levels of antioxidants. Has its fanatic fans. But after 50 – 60 days of staying its healthy qualities are reducedd and becomes classic Extra Virgin. Remains emerald green. The later already matured olives give golden color to the olive oil, and if both types are mixed the colors split depending on the surrounding light. Later olives give to the oil softer and sweeter taste to the oil. Anyway the three colors of the oil have the some food qualities and it maters just which taste suits you the most.
The answer of this question is clear and can be found in the ancient times and the beginning of the civilization. There is even a theory that the ancient Greek wars are led because for control of the olive plants. One soldier could make it a whole day with two pieces of olives. Italians and Spanish are just better merchants in Europe, USA and the whole world, but the best material comes from Greece. This is our opinion.
You should cook with the real one if you value your health. The truth is that after thermal treating the real olive oil looses some of the aroma, health and taste qualities, but here comes most important part: does not separate the bad cancer ingredients what do all other fats either from plant or animal origin. Real olive oil reaches point of smoking after that it changes the ingredients in it is 200 per Celsius. Keep in mind that many of the olive oils described as extra virgin on the market are mix of different types and the real Extra Virgin is no more than 30 %. Low price should not attract you – if you do not have the possibilities for real olive oil, better buy good sunflower oil.
Easier than the bread, milk products and beer. Many people say “I buy Extra Virgin oil for 6 – 15 BGN per liter”. The next thing we guess is “Dry White wine” for 2. 50 BGN in the shop outside. The wines from New Zealand that we like very much cost 25 BGN per liter and they are called “Dry White wine “ too. Ok, everybody knows for himself. We hope some day the necessary regulations will fix this injustice. You must always make reference between wine and olive oil.
Well, let’s say that the unique things are placed in the museums. This determination is very strong and does not fit us. Our product is exclusive and when you taste it, you understand that it must be not replaced with some liquids in the trunk during Mediterranean voyages.
Price is fair for the real product neither it is comparable to the products of the global food industry, it can not be the same. Unfortunately there is no guarantee that the higher price means means higher quality. Anyway, you can never expect you can buy high – quality olive oil on low price. Just think about: bottle of middle expensive wine costs 15 – 20, bottle of special wine – much more. On this basis it looks fair to pay a little bit more for product like ours. And more: the bottle of wine will be consumed for one evening, but the bottle of olive oil can be used for whole month or even more.
Yes, in elegant small 100 ml. Bottles.
Since 01. 01. 2018. in EU was forbidden using of draft olive oil in the restaurants because of the huge frauds. But the control is weak and this forbid is not always respected. Even in Greece happens olive oil from the big tubes to be filled in the small original bottles, so the order to be evaded. The small bottle of olive oil must be obligatory sealed, with clearly written characteristics and after use the package must be thrown away. If you have the possibilities to go to top restaurants you must insist this. It is not caprice but clearly request by culinary aesthete who is paying expensive for the pleasure he earns.
Keep in mind that the “olive oil” used for cooking in the Bulgarian restaurants is with very high quality. And lets say it is normal to cook not with Extra Virgin (acidity up to 0.8 %), they even not cook with Virgin olive oil (acidity from 0.81 to 1.8%) . Most likely for cooking are used some chemically treated mixes.
Be clear: all restaurant owners know these details, in more cases better than you, and he knows that uses illegally created label. If he does know, you are in the wrong place.
For cooking in restaurants we recommend our secondary product Virgin in metal tubes 20.5 liters. For rate – when requests by e – mail accordingly to quantities and regular use.
For our virgin product you must know that the taste can be separated from Extra Virgin only buy experts. Of course, the healthy ingredients are already reduced.