Olive oil with garlic

25,64 €
  • Brand: Aristeon - (Preis inkl. MwSt.)
  • Cat No: 2
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Olive oil made by cold pressure of Koronieki olives and fresh Greek garlic. Extra Virgin. Pleasure for all who like healthy and real food. For longer preserving of the real taste and quality is bottled in tin boxes that do not allow sunlight. Consists elegant texture and smell. Acidity presence: up to 0.8 %. Low UV absorbing. Gives unbelievable taste to sauces, salads, grilled meat and fish. TUV Hellas and PGI certified.

Acidity: 0.2% < 0.8%
К270 < 0.22% ; К232 < 0.8%
Expiration date: on the package. 
Origin: Zakhyntos island, Greece. 
Manufacturer: Soulis-Chaikalis & Co.Ltd.Impoted by: ExtraVirgin.BG Ltd. Sofia 20 Hristo Smirnenski blvd.
Contact: 0882268693; www.ExtraVirgin.BG

Product is part of LOYALTY plan with better rate. 

Nutritional Information
с добавен чесън
Energy Value (per 100 g)
Proteins (per 100 g)
Fats (per 100 g)
91.6 g, including:
Saturated Fats:
15,3 g.(16,7%)
Monounsaturated Fats
69,3 g.(75,6%)
Polyunsaturated Fats
7,0 g. (7,7%)
К270<0,22% ; К232<2,50%
Not present

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Olive oil with garlic

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