Every first celebration wish to friends and family is for health. ExtraVirgin.BG suggests gift set of four tastes of highest quality olive oil, so you can give health.
Every gift set contains:
You can add to your gift Cutting board from olive wood or olive oil cosmetics. See the options on right.
Acidity: 0.2% < 0.8%
К270 < 0.22% ; К232 < 0.8%
Expiration date: on the package.
Origin: Zakhyntos island, Greece.
Manufacturer: Soulis-Chaikalis & Co.Ltd.Impoted by: ExtraVirgin.BG Ltd. Sofia 20 Hristo Smirnenski blvd.
Contact: 0882268693; www.ExtraVirgin.BG
Product is part of LOYALTY plan with better rate.